Reproductive Health

Folic Acid: A Key Component for a Healthy Pregnancy

Folic Acid: A Key Component for a Healthy Pregnancy

Thinking about taking a prenatal vitamin? Whether you’re already expecting or planning to conceive, these supplements are necessary in providing essential nutrients vital for your growing baby. In fact, one of the most important things to do to prepare for a pregnancy is to start taking a prenatal vitamin!

Folic Acid, a well-known B Vitamin, is considered to be the “MVP” of prenatal vitamins because many people are aware of its important role in pregnancy. Folic acid is crucial for cell division, especially in the earlier stages of pregnancy when the baby’s rapid growth is underway.

Deficiency in Folic Acid during pregnancy has been linked to abnormal brain and spine development in babies, known as anencephaly and spina bifida. Taking the recommended daily dose of 400mcg has been shown to significantly lower the risk. Don’t worry if your prenatal has a higher dose (often 800mcg) – that’s perfectly fine. In certain cases, individuals with complicated pregnancies or underlying health conditions might need additional amounts of folic acid than what is in the prenatal.

Folic acid plays such an important role, that in 1998 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandated that all manufacturers “fortify” grain products with folic acid to reduce the risk of neural tube defects. Although as a result you can find some folic acid in the foods a part of your daily diet, the need for folic acid consumption in the early weeks of pregnancy is key, which is why it’s strongly recommended to get an extra boost via these prenatal vitamins ideally at least a month before conception and continue throughout pregnancy.

There are many important vitamins and minerals found in prenatal vitamins in addition to folic acid! Although the name implies that they are for expectant moms – anyone, regardless of age or reproductive goals, can benefit from these fantastic supplements!

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