Fertility Treatment

Your Eggs Reach the Embryo Stage: What Now? IVF Options Explained

Congratulations! You’re ready to start the IVF process, let’s learn what happens once your eggs reach the embryo stage. Understanding your options is crucial to making the right decision for you. Let’s explore the three possible options:

1. Fresh Embryo Transfer -What you need to know:

The embryo will be transferred into your uterus in a procedure called the embryo transfer several days after your egg retrieval.  The number of embryos to transfer is a discussion between you and your doctor, but recommendations are based on your age, medical history and embryo grades.  Any embryos not transferred have the possibility of being frozen for future use.

2. Embryo Vitrification -Freeze all Cycle

The blastocyst embryos are frozen and can be thawed and transferred at a later date.  This embryo freezing process is called vitrification – it is how the embryo is cryopreserved (frozen in time!) and can stay frozen indefinitely, for months to years until you are ready to use them. In your next cycle, your uterus is prepared for the embryo and transferred after it is thawed. 

3. Embryo Biopsy -Genetic Testing (PGT)  learn more

A few cells from the part of blastocyst that later becomes the placenta (called the Trophectoderm) are removed using a microscope.  These cells are frozen and sent off to be genetically tested, to help us learn about the genetics of the embryo. Using this information, the normal or “healthy” embryos can be transferred in another cycle, called the Frozen Embryo Transfer. 

Before you start an IVF cycle, make sure you have a detailed discussion with your doctor about all three options to understand the benefits and disadvantages of each option to make a plan best for you. Have questions about your IVF options or need personalized advice? Contact us today to make an appointment with Dr. Sachdev today to discuss the best plan for your unique situation and take the next step toward your fertility journey.

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